Saturday, July 27, 2013

Gender Reveal Cake

I finally got to do a gender reveal cake!!!  Wow, no pressure or anything!  I was the only one besides the ultrasound tech (and my family, who saw the color of the cake) who knew the gender.

Jamie is a friend from church, and is also a wonderful hair stylist for my crazy, curly hair.  She and her husband, Roth, are expecting their first child, and so she called me and asked me to make her birthday cake a gender reveal cake.  She had the ultrasound tech write down the gender, and put it in an envelope.  She dropped off the envelope to me on Tuesday, and had to wait until Saturday to find out what she was having.  Talk about patience!  However, what a great birthday present, and great time to cut the cake, with all of her family around.


It's a BOY!!!!!!

This is the envelope and card she dropped off.  I gave them back to her for her baby book.

I immediately got to work making a blue cake.  

The next issue was, how to make a birthday cake that wouldn't even hint at the color inside.  I decided that it would be best to use many colors rather than a color scheme.  This is what I came up with.

Sorry about all the clutter.  I took the picture just as soon as it was finished.

Jamie came and got the cake on Friday, and STILL had another day before her birthday.  I don't know how she could stand it!  I hardly said anything to her, for fear of ruining the surprise.
But finally, she and Roth cut the cake, and found out that they are having a baby boy.  

So excited for them!  He will be a very loved little guy.  It's always a happy occasion when a beautiful, new spirit comes into the world, and I feel privileged to have been a small part of their new adventure.
Thanks you two! 


  1. so beautiful! You'd have no idea what the gender was based on the outside. Love your work!!

  2. Thanks!
    How are you? How's the house hunting going? I wish you could move out this direction. 😔

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